March 7, 2025
Brethren and Friends,
Special Announcements:
We are taking up a donation for Brother Johnny Walkingstick for some repairs at his home. If you want to donate, please go to and select the “Restricted Donation” items. Please do this by next Tuesday.
District 12 meeting is March 11 at our lodge. Please plan to attend to fellowship other masons in the area, have a great meal and win the District Gavel competition! Dinner is at 6 pm, with the program to follow.
My Ramblings by W:. Scott A. MacDonald © 2025
Soul Train!
I’m have a deep interest in the existence of our soul. First, does it really exist, second if it does exist, what is it, and third what happens to it after we die.
The Abrahamic religions certainly believe in a soul. Although there is no explanation of what it is or how one would measure it. The Bible indicates the soul was when God created us and “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, … man became a living soul. (Genesis 2: 7)”
This still doesn’t answer exactly what the soul is. And the Bible does not really give us any indication. It is just an assumed gift from God when he created us.
In Deuteronomy 4:29, we get a little bit more of a glimpse of what the soul is: "If from there you seek the Lord, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul."
It also appears our soul is that part of us that feels: “Why my soul are you downcast?” Psalm 42.11)
Outside of the Abrahamic religions, we see the Eastern Philosophies believed the soul was reincarnated or transmigrated.
Plato believed in the soul’s immortality and its separation from the body. Aristotle “form” of the body, the principle that gives is life.
Atheists and Agnostics simply say “I don’t know” when asked about a soul, preferring to ignore the overwhelming belief by the world that it exists.
We can certainly agree that for most of us, the soul exists. For something to exist, it must have some type of energy associated with it. Whether chemical or some sort of vibration or resonance. The natural laws would therefore suggest that upon our body’s death our soul, and the energy associated with it, does not cease to exist. It must by the laws of physics be transmitted or stored somewhere.
In my imagination, I view a soul train of sorts of the multitudes moving on to whatever there is after our life on earth. Maybe it is Heaven in your beliefs, maybe Valhalla.
Speaking of Heaven, here is a list of the names used by various religions.
Christianity – heaven, paradise, Zion, the Kingdom of Heaven.
Judaism – Gan Eden, Vilon, Raki’a, Shehaqim, Zebul, Ma’on, Machon, Araboth
Islam – Jannah
Hinduism – Svarga, Svargaloka, Vaikuntha, Vishnu
Buddhism – Nirvana
Norse – Valhalla, Folkvangr
Greek Mythology – Elysium or Elysian Fields
Aztec Mythology - Tlolocan
Celtic Mythology – Tir na nOg (Land of Youth)
Lord, we thank you for the gift of our soul. Teach us how to guard it in this world. Amen.
Lodge Calendar
March 11 (Tuesday) – District 12 meeting at our lodge. Dinner at 6 pm, program to follow.
March 18 (Tuesday) - Stated Communication. Dinner at 6 pm, lodge at 7 pm.
March 22 and 23 – Scottish Rite Reunion. If you want to join, please contact me or call the SR Offices.
March 25 (Tuesday) – Ritual practice on the MM Degree. Dinner at 6pm, practice to follow.
April 1 (Tuesday) - Stated Communication. Dinner at 6 pm, lodge at 7 pm.
April 8 (Tuesday) – Educational presentation by W:. Ron Shoaf, MOH. His topic is “The Letter G”.
April 12 (Saturday) – Egg Scramble – 8 am – $10 per ticket. Members will be receiving 10 tickets in the mail. Please remit money for your tickets at https://balodge243.square.siteor mail a check to the lodge.
April 15 (Tuesday) - Stated Communication. Dinner at 6 pm, lodge at 7 pm.
April 22 (Tuesday) – Ritual practice for the EA Degree. Dinner at 6 pm, practice to follow
April 26 – (Saturday) – Master Builder School. 8 am.
April 29 (Tuesday) – 5th Tuesday. Masonic Birthdays and family night.
April All Month - Fishing Tournament –Details to follow.
May 15 (Thursday) – Sr. Deacon’s Night – Drillers Game - $40 per ticket. Limited seating so buy your tickets now. You may purchase tickets here: send a check to the Lodge.
September - Fish Fry – Date to be determined.
Other Business
Please remember to pay your dues. 2025 Dues Notices are out. You can pay dues at Or mail in your dues to 117 W. Commercial St., Broken Arrow, OK, 74012. Due date is Dec. 31.
For those who are behind in your dues, we do not want to be a financial hardship for you. We will work with you on staying in good standing, but you have to reach out to us. Please contact the lodge office at 918.251.9282 to make arrangements or email us at
Please note we are making every attempt to keep our meetings to one hour. However, if you attend and the meeting is going long, you can certainly excuse yourself from the meeting at any time.
As always, if you need a ride to/from any of these activities, please contact the lodge office at 918.251.9282.
W:. Scott A. MacDonald, Treasurer and Membership Calling Chairman
Copyright © 2024 Broken Arrow Masonic Lodge #243 AF&AM - All Rights Reserved.
117 W. Commercial St.
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
918.251.9282. After Hours: 539.204.4547